Archivio delle opere
dal 1973 a cura di
Daniela Cristadoro



Silenzio, Amen and Logos are the three works placed in the central nave of the rectory church of San Raffaele, in Milan, in the context of the personal exhibit “Silenzio” (1) of Ferruccio Ascari articulated simultaneously in other locations in town, which are extraordinary in terms of historical and artistic value : the small cloister of the Basilica of San Simpliciano, where the installation Luogo Presuntowas located, and San Bernardino alle Ossa, with Ex Voto I, II, III e Rumore.

Mostra di Più
Silenzio. Linen sheet and gold, approx. 140×140 cm, 2017 [Church of San Raffaele, Milano]
Amen. Fresco transferred to canvas, 90×40 cm, 2017 [Church of San Raffaele, Milano]
Logos. Wooden egg covered with golden leaves, approx. 10x10x20 cm, 2017 [Church of San Raffaele, Milano]